Prayer & Liturgy

We believe that Prayer and liturgy should be a special and peaceful act to allow everyone in our school community to participate in an act of worship. Children and staff are encouraged to participate, reflect and respond, whether through involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to, and joining in, the worship offered. 

Aims and Purpose 

  • Prayer and liturgy is an integral part of our daily school life and fulfils all legal requirements. 
  • It provides a quality experience and is fundamental to the life of the school. 
  • It provides the opportunity for pupils to worship and give glory to God. 
  • It allows time to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore beliefs. 
  • It encourages participation and response, whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to and joining in the worship offered. 
  • It develops community spirit, promotes a common ethos and shared values, and reinforces positive attitudes. 
  • To respond to and celebrate life. 
  • To experience a sense of belonging and develop community spirit through planned opportunities throughout the year. 
  • It gives pupils positive liturgical experiences, appropriate to their age. 
  • It develops skills that enable children to prepare, organise and lead worship. 

Organisation, Planning and Recording 

  • Prayer and liturgy can take place at any time of the school day. 
  • Prayer and liturgy is evidenced on each class’ weekly timetable.
  • Prayer and liturgy can take place as a whole school, in classes or in smaller groups.
  • The length of Prayer and liturgy is age appropriate.
  • Prayer and liturgy is planned with reference to the Church’s Liturgical year and seasons,

‘Come and See’ topics, significant dates and the world around us. 

We plan the process of collective worship by considering:

  • Gather: How will we begin? How will I create an atmosphere of prayer?
  • Word: What will be the scripture focus and how should it be presented?
  • Response: What will we do in response to listening to God’s Word e.g. prayer and symbolic action.
  • Going Forth: What will I do to help the pupils take the message away with them?

We have a weekly timetable of Prayer and liturgy. It takes place daily. We have whole school assemblies on a Monday and a celebration assembly followed by Prayer and liturgy on a Friday. Class-led Prayer and liturgy takes place during the week. Each phase at the Juniors also come together to celebrate Prayer and liturgy once a week.  During a school week, children also have time for prayer at lunchtime and at the end of the day. 


Delivery and Features of Prayer and liturgy 

  • Creating an appropriate atmosphere for worship.
  • A focus area with appropriate artefacts/symbols/objects.
  • Use of a variety of styles, active and interactive methods and a range of resources in our acts of collective worship. 
  • An opportunity to listen to scripture.
  • An opportunity to participate through reflecting and responding.


Right of Withdrawal 

Prayer and liturgy, subject to the right of withdrawal, is intended to be appropriate for and to include all pupils attending school, as a daily act of worship for every pupil. All members of our school community are welcome to participate in our act of worship. 

Prayer and liturgy will be a valuable and valued experience for all members of our school community whatever their backgrounds and beliefs. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from participating in Prayer and liturgy. Prayer and liturgy in our school is voluntary and children are given the opportunity to participate. We request that those who wish to exercise this right inform the Headteacher in writing.


The Governing Body 

It is the Executive Headteacher’s duty to ensure the Prayer and liturgy requirements are met. The coordination of Prayer and liturgy is the responsibility, under the direction of the Executive Headteacher, of the RE Co-ordinator. The Governing body recognise their responsibility to ensure Prayer and liturgy is taking place within school and are welcome and invited to participate in the act of worship. Our designated governor for Collective Worship and RE is Mrs Jeanette Banks. 


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