Statutory Ofsted Information

School Name and Address


St Mary's Catholic Infant Academy        St Mary's Catholic Junior Academy

Victoria Road                                             Barn Way

Newton-le-Willows                                     Newton-le-Willows

WA12 9RX                                                   WA12 9QQ



Offive and Business Manager

01744 678357 (Infants) 01744 678603 (Juniors)

[email protected]      [email protected]  

Executive Headteacher

Mrs Samantha Birchall

Head of Infant Academy

Mrs Katherine Grange

Head of Junior Academy 

Mrs Nicola Follin


Miss Leah Matthews

Pupil Premium Strategy including Recovery Premium

Infant School Pupil Premium Strategy

Junior School Pupil Premium Strategy

Sports Premium

St Mary's Infant Sports Premium 22-23

St Mary's Junior Sports Premium 22-23


Our ARCHES curriculum

Phonics and Reading Information

Phonics and Early Reading

Admission Arrangements

Infant School Admissions Policy

Junior School Admissions Policy

Charging and Remission Policy

Policies – All Saints MAT Liverpool

Relationships and Behaviour Policy

Relationships and Behaviour Policy

SEND Policy and Accessibility Policy

Accessibility Policy

SEND policy

Ofsted, CIS and Performance Data

Ofsted Inspection of Infant School June 2022

Ofsted Inspection of Junior School November 2022

RE Inspection Infant School November 2019

Catholic Schools Inspectorate Junior School September 2023

School Vision, Mission Statement and Key Principles 

Our Mission Statement

Term Dates

Term Dates 2023-24

Safeguarding Policy

Child protection and safeguarding policy

Safeguarding Information


Mrs Katherine Grange - Infant Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Nicola Follin - Junior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Samantha Birchall - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

 Mrs Lucy Moore - Infant Safeguarding Team

Mrs Lesley Whitfield & Miss Amy McCormack - Junior Safeguarding Team

Mrs Gill Tuck - Safeguarding Governor

Remote Education Provision

Remote Learning

Equality Action Plan and Policy 

Equality Action Plan

Equality Objectives 

Equality Objectives 2023 -2024

Governor Information and Duties

Governor Information

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Financial Information

Financial Information – All Saints MAT Liverpool

Student Login