Catholic Life

At Dt Mary's Catholic Infant and Junior Academies our faith is central to everything we do and we show this in many ways. We have regular assemblies, Prayer & liturgy (Collective Worship) and Masses to which parents are always welcome. We also have the opportunity as a school to visit and explore our own parish church.

Our curriculum and ethos instill the Gospel values in our children, teaching them to be kind, caring, forgiving and respectful young people. Links are made between the teachings of Jesus and how we behave and treat others in our own lives. The curriculum we follow is based around the ‘Come and See’ scheme as recommended by the Bishop’s Conference. More information can be found in the RE Information section.

We expect all children to participate in various RE activities. All children have opportunities to lead and participate in prayers, readings and singing whatever their religion. We embrace the culture and heritage of all children and follow a planned programme of work to raise multi-cultural awareness.


CAFOD volunteers visited the Junior School on 14th October to deliver sessions on Catholic Social Teaching. 

Our CAFOD club members were delighted to share their knowledge with our visitors too. 


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