
SM Table work.jpgClassification of our school
We are a Catholic Aided Primary School for boys and girls in the 7 to 11 age range. We are affiliated to the Churches of St Mary and St John's, St David's and St Patrick's. Most of our children live locally. The Trust Deed of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool establishes the principles that govern the use of funds and property by the Archbishop and the Trustees.

Our aims
We aim to provide a warm, nurturing environment where everyone is valued and respected. 

We encourage all to play a full and active role in the process of leading, encouraging and equipping each child so that they can play a full part in society according to their interests, aptitudes and abilities. We acknowledge the important role parents play as the first educators of their children and the need of the school to work as closely as possible with them in the spirit of mutual respect.We recognise how important a good education is to future life chances and aim for every child to reach their full potential.

We endeavour to provide a sense of belonging, understanding, self-respect and respect for others, living by a set of ideals which will be common to home, school and the community. We respect and celebrate the place of all faiths, whilst promoting a strong Catholic tradition following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our school day
8.50am: Arrival to school.

9.05am: Registration

12.00pm - 1pm: Lunch time.
Children may either have a school lunch or provide their own packed lunch.

1pm: Afternoon session

3.30pm: Hometime

There is a 15 minute playtime during the morning.

Small group teaching also takes place during lunchtime sessions, before and after school.

Teaching time during the week
Junior Classes: 25 hours
There are also registrations, playtimes, lunchtime and a daily Act of Worship. 

School opening hours: 33 hours and 20 minutes per week

Visiting us
Parents are welcome to contact us in order to arrange a convenient time for a phone call or informal virtual meeting. 

Children joining our Year 3 class each September are invited to visit us during the summer term. They spend time in their new classroom with their new teacher in order to become familiar with the environment and to meet new friends. 

We use the Key Stage  2 National Curriculum. We use the Catholic Religious Education Directory, 'To know You more clearly' in our Year 3 class curriculum lessons.  We use the Catholic Religious Education curriculum 'Come and See' in Years 4-6.

Home-School Links

Click here for curriculum information.

Voluntary contributions
We ask for voluntary contributions from parents/guardians for some activities, such as school trips.

School levy 
We are a voluntary-aided school. This means that we are a state school where the local authority contributes the majority of funding and the archdiocese a smaller amount. This funding is augmented by a school levy which, this year, we suggest is £10 per family.

Extra-curricular activities
We offer many different extra-curricular activities, including tag-rugby, choir, CAFOD club and science clubs. 

Special interventions
Children with identified issues are given extra support particularly in Maths and English, well-being and counselling. This might be individually or in small groups, using a targeted intervention programme. 

Reporting progress
We send a written report home at the end of the school year.  Parents are welcome to discuss their child's work with teachers at any time during the year. 

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
This is a highly valued organisation, open to all parents/carers/friends/staff of the school. Social functions are arranged from time to time during the year and money is raised for school funds and various charities.

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