
Infant Safeguarding Team

Grange.jpgMrs Grange - Head of Infant School, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Sam.pngMrs Birchall- Executive Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Moore3.jpgMrs Moore - Infant School Safeguarding Team



Junior Safeguarding Team


NF.bmpMrs Follin - Head of Junior School, SENDCo, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Sam.pngMrs Birchall- Executive Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

AMc.bmpMiss McCormack - Junior School Safeguarding Team

LW.bmpMrs Whitfield - Junior School Safeguarding Team



GT.bmpMrs Gillian Tuck - Safeguarding Link Governor


We are a community where all of us, staff, governors, parents, families and pupils, have a role to play in making our community safe and secure. 

We recognise our moral and statutory responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare and best interests of all our children.
We provide an ethos and environment that helps children to feel safe, secure and respected. We encourage them to talk openly and to feel confident that their voice is heard.
We are alert to signs of abuse or neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

Our core safeguarding principles:
• All of us are involved in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
• All children are protected equally, regardless of, for example, age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity.
• All children are listened to and have their wishes and feelings taken into account.
• All staff are watchful for vulnerability in children and act on any concerns.
• All staff follow our safeguarding procedures and associated policies.

Click here for our Safeguarding policy.
Click here for our Visitor Safeguarding leaflet.

Click here for information regarding Operation Encompass
Click here for our Prevent Duty.
Click here for our Visitor Prevent leaflet.
Click here for our Staying Safe Online leaflet.
Click here for our Safer Snapchat leaflet.
Click here for our Safer Instagram leaflet.
Click here for our Snapchat checklist.
Click here for our Instagram checklist.
Click here for Prevent: working together to prevent terrorism.
Click here for Childline, or call 0800 1111.
Click here for Action for Children.

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